This project consists of some portraits that seeks to trace a geography of the Other.
It’s a small-scale map of people and human nature that, through the faces, gazes and expressions of the subjects, captures them in a moment of sincerity and stillness in front of the camera lens. Venturing into a maze of reality, free from fiction or artifice, the photographer intends to unveil the diversity and authenticity of the human condition in a personal vision that crystallizes its positive energy.
The result is a visual narrative that emerges from a direct confrontation with the world, that seeks a connection with the existence of others and that aspires to bring about unity in diversity.
The characters in these photographs, unmitigated by their condition and confident in their traditions and customs, do not genuflect to the photographic medium but look out at us with all the fullness of life.
It’s a small-scale map of people and human nature that, through the faces, gazes and expressions of the subjects, captures them in a moment of sincerity and stillness in front of the camera lens. Venturing into a maze of reality, free from fiction or artifice, the photographer intends to unveil the diversity and authenticity of the human condition in a personal vision that crystallizes its positive energy.
The result is a visual narrative that emerges from a direct confrontation with the world, that seeks a connection with the existence of others and that aspires to bring about unity in diversity.
The characters in these photographs, unmitigated by their condition and confident in their traditions and customs, do not genuflect to the photographic medium but look out at us with all the fullness of life.
Il progetto Map of Humanity si compone di ritratti che ambiscono a tracciare una geografia dell’Altro - piccola mappa delle persone e della natura umana - attraverso i volti, gli sguardi e le espressioni dei soggetti ritratti, colti nell’atto di mostrarsi, sinceri e immobili, davanti all’obiettivo della macchina fotografica. Avventurandosi nel labirinto del reale, senza l’uso di artifici o finzioni, l’autore intende svelare la ricca varietà dell’Uomo e insieme la sua autenticità, in una visione personale che ne cristallizza l'energia positiva. Il risultato è una narrazione per immagini che nasce da un confronto diretto con il mondo, cerca una connessione con l’esistenza altrui e aspira a far emergere l’unità nella diversità. Senza biasimare la loro condizione, orgogliosi delle loro tradizioni e usanze, i protagonisti di queste foto non si genuflettono davanti al mezzo fotografico ma al contrario offrono allo sguardo tutta la loro forza vitale.